Sargonas ://: J. Eckert
Kinda just figuring it out as I go along!
Photography within Elite: Dangerous
I’ve come to find out, with some tweaks, you can take some stellar photos in ED. (Pun not intended!!)
Elite Dangerous
Well, back down the rabbit hole we go! Last year around this time I got pretty hard into Elite: Dangerous, but around March due to work and other things I sorta fell out a bit.. and as most of you know once you get too far out of a game...
Thorn: Learning to process and paint a 3D print for maximum awesome
In preparation for PAX Prime 2015, I decided to create my own Thorn, an Exotic Hand Cannon from bungie’s “Destiny”. Now, 3D Printing is what I do best. I can crank things out for people all day long, tweaking, modifying, etc. However, painting and decorating? Not so much. Can I...
Below here be dragons!
So I just got done rebuilding this site from scratch.. and unfortunately due to a security breach at my VPS host a few years ago everything before 2013 was lost for good. As a result, I was going to start fresh but I decided to use the good ole internet...
Adventures In Number Porting, or how Verizon’s customer service out-crapped AT&Ts
Let me share the absolute customer service NIGHTMARE I have experience trying to buy an iPhone 5 and switch from AT&T back to Verizon, whom I had left a while back when the iPhone came out, due to it’s AT&T exclusivity.
Just Re-discovered iTunes-U
I have to admit, I am emphatically floored by not only the iTunes U app on my iPad, but also the way in which schools like Stanford have embraced it. Previously, iTunes U modules were simply videos, usually in a bundled series, that were lumped into your standard video player...
My Shepard had a choice
Let’s talk Mass Effect 3. I finally beat it last night, and was finaly able to look at all the internet rage under a microscope. I have been avoiding so many gaming sites for a week because of all the rage, and now that I am caught up, I am...
My next big project?
I had a lot of fun building my SC2 Battlecruiser. When I was 5-12 ish in age, as much time as I spend now playing video games, I spent then building with Legos. Now with the advent of the various Lego creation software, it’s even quicker and easier to prototype...
Battlecruiser Operational: in time-lapse
So I made a little project this past Saturday. I came up with the idea at Blizzcon when I picked up the Limited Edition MegaBlocks Battlecruiser kit, but have been putting it off since I got back. I finally had the time to sit down and work on it this...