
So Skyrim. Wow. I won’t go into a lengthy expose into why it is so amazing right now, I’ll save that for another post when I have more time to gush like a rabid fanboy.

Let’s talk Dragons. There are specific dragons throughout the game in certain locations, some even have names. Then there is an infinite number of randomly generated ones that will just drop out of no where and jump you from the clouds… and I seem to see them a lot. I’ve decided to start fraps-ing the encounters because sometimes they end up a bit humorous. Case in point, the video I just uploaded to YouTube, check it out!

Floating mammoths, basejumping into dragon lairs, nearly dying from my own stupidity and more! Watch as I get jumped by a dragon while minding my own business in a field, and when I tackle a Blood Dragon to learn the power word he is guarding! Also be sure to check out the outtake at the end, where I learned how risky friendly-fire can be when I recruit a pack of Mammoths to help me fight a Dragon!

(If you are wondering why you almost never see me change gear/spells and it “just happens”, I leveraged the smooth fluidity of the UI flow and edited out the menu selection screens to make the video shorter and more cinematic.)

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J. "Sargonas" Eckert



Sargonas ://: J. Eckert

Kinda just figuring it out as I go along!

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