Major life changing news: I’ve decided to take the insane, risky leap to leave the comfort and stability of Riot, and tackle an incredibly exciting opportunity that has presented itself to me. Sorta long post ahead… if you care about the nuances of my life, my professional career, and self...

Okay… to step back a bit, it’s not QUITE that complex. I’m building a private, small (size and scale) maker space. It’s going to be a bit of an ongoing experiment to lay the groundwork for *actually* building a large scale, public space in a better location down the road...

So, several people have asked me for the basics on building a GPU based crypto currency miner (more specifically for Ethereum, or ETH). Previously I outlined how to setup up an Ubuntu one for the very, very basics with existing home PC hardware, but they’ve wanted more details for a...

So a bunch of us at work are into Crypto currencies, both investing and mining, as well as some tinkering around with some of the more technologically-fun things we can do with it.

So if you aren’t familiar with my pain trying to buy a Razer Blade from the Razer Store, I suggest reading it… it’s a hilarious good time of a comedy of errors.

So, for many months now I’ve been extolling the virtues of the killer combo that is a Razer Blade paired with a Razer Core. I know of 3 colleagues I talked into the pair, plus many more whom I’ve planted the seed in and may or may not have pulled...

So, back in the late spring/early summer a new regular popped up in the League of Legends subreddit. His name was /u/Xplo85 aka ThatJewelryDesigner(more properly known as Christopher) and he was doing a kick ass job designing jewelry based on champions from League of Legends (and now other games too)....

I was a bit late to the Witcher 3 party. I’ve owned the game in my expansive (5 figure count) steam library for some time, but just never played it. I saw the praises, I saw the awards, I saw the review scores… but for some reason nothing ever made...

You might think that by the year 2016 some of the more backwards and bureaucratic aspects of dealing with the CA DMV would have evolved. You would be wrong.So the first week of April I got a notice in the mail (at my current address.. I updated it when I...